Saturday, January 29, 2011

You Aren't Perfect, So Why Do You Expect Me to Be?

It has been a while since I posted. Life as an employed person is much busier than I remembered. Of course when I was employed, it was only part time and I wasn’t enrolled in school. Now, I am working full time, taking 4 classes and we can’t forget the roles as wife (housekeeper, cook, laundry and bookkeeper), city alderman, and volunteer. Oh, I almost forgot, it’s also tax season.
And this morning I get one of those chain emails telling me how to live my life. Now I understand that we can all use a little advice now and then and none of us see our faults as well as those around do. But it jsut struck me as houw easy some seem to be able to reach out and try and help others with their unsolicited advice when they are unwilling to accept it in their own lives. Honestly I get a little tired of those caring little emails advising me how I can be a better person, many from people who otherwise don't give me the time of day. They have no idea of who I really am, how much I reach out and what I do. What I do I try and do quietly, no fan far, no photo ops, just helping where I can when I can.

Am I perfect, far from it. What I am is human and beign such I will never be perfect. But I pray to God every day asking for his guidance in my life, I also pray that when he does, I will follow that guidance. For I also believe that sometimes in our zeal to do good things we sometimes want things to be a certain way so badly that what we are actually hearing are our own heads,and not God speaking through our hearts.

That is what happened when I originally wrote this post. I was upset and frazzled and I wrote some very unkind things that were directed to a person who had sent one of those emails I mentioned above. No good was going to come from those words, only hurt. So, what happened, I found myself awake at 1:00 am rewriting this post. This is generally what happens to me when I didn't get the message. He makes sure that I get it one way or another.

I know also that I too have to remember that I too pass judgment, and although I may not try and tell others how they should live their lives, I certainly think that I know better than they do. So I will add to my regular prayer for guidance, understanding and acceptance of others for we are all God's children. None of us are alike and we are all special in the eyes of our father. We were all put on this earth to fulfill a purpose, some great, so not so great, but we all have a purpose and your purpose may not be the same as my purpose. But that does not mean it is any less important.

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