Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Joy, Peace and Happiness

I am HAPPY, I realized this on my way home from work yesterday. I was talking to a friend and it occurred to me that I was truly happy. If this seems like an odd statement you would have to understand that for years, I have not been truly happy.

There was something missing in my life and it was robbing me of actual happiness. Don't misunderstand I have had fun, and joy. But I do not remember a tie when I could say that I was truly happy. I always felt like there was something lacking, and if I could only make more money so that I could buy this or that, usually something completely unnecessary and useless in the grand scheme of things, then I would finally find happiness. But it never worked. I searched and yearned and blamed others for my state. Then suddenly one day I realize that I am happy and no person or thing had anything to do with it.

This sense of peace has come from finally letting go and letting God run my life. I still don't have piles of money, I still get really aggravated at Ray, and there are days when my new job really stinks, but these are not the things that have given me my happiness and losing them will not take it away. I would surely hate to lose Ray, and I almost have on a couple of occasions. And it was probably those incidents that made me realize just how important he is to me. But people and things are not where my happiness comes from. I still get my feelings hurt, and people still disappoint me, but I no longer give them the power to control my feelings as I once did. I know now that as long as I am true to myself and work everyday to follow the path that God wants me to follow my life will be better and I will be a better person and for it.

As I talked to my friend on the phone and told her of this wonderful feeling that I expressed my desire to share it with all of those around me. In fact I told her that “I wish I could spread it like peanut butter” so that everyone would know the joy and peace that I do. So dear friends my prayer for you today is this. “Dear Heavenly Father, please allow all of your children to know this wonderful sense of love and peace, as it is a wonderful gift and I am so thankful that you have shared it with me so that I may pass it on to those around me. In your name I pray, Amen.

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