Monday, August 8, 2011


Jealousy is a terrible emotion, and I should know. I have allowed jealousy to tag along and dictate my attitude and feelings toward others for years. The biggest problem with letting jealousy take over, is that is keeps you from really seeing the person you are jealous of for who they really are.

Jealousy has popped up when I least expect it. I have felt jealous of the kind of car a co-worker drove,the paycheck my neighbor brought home, and I really been jealous of those people who seem to be able to eat anything they want and never gain an ounce.

Jealousy popped in and paid me a visit this morning at the gym, can you believe it the gym. When "miss perfect" walked in my eyes turned from blue to green in a nano second. There she was, not an ounce of fat, beautiful hair, there was nothing wrong with her, she was perfect and I hated her. Why was she working out I wondered to myself she certainly didn't need to. But what I don't know is who she is. I do not know her story. I have no idea what her life is like. My opinion was based totally on what I saw and how it made me feel. which by the way was very inadequate.

I have learned and am still learning, that if you waste time being jealous then you may never know who a person really is. And sometimes the one you are jealous of may turn out to be the best friend you ever had. We all need to remember to dig a little deeper and stop making assumptions based on emotions.


  1. "When "miss perfect" walked in my eyes turned from blue to green in a nano second."

    This is an example of a perfectly written sentence by a perfect writer!
