Thursday, January 3, 2013

Here I go again

One of the things that I vowed to do in this new year was to start writing again. So as the title says "Here I go again." I want and need to do this for myself and if I inspire or encourage others then that is an added benefit. I never dd like the word resolution, I like to think of it as more of a clean slate and a new beginning. That is what I am going to aim for in this new year. Becoming healthier, and hopefully losing weight in the process. Over the years I have gone on various diets and lost and gained enough weight to make up at least one whole person. We have all been told that yo-yo dieting is not good for our bodies. So I stopped dieting all together. My weight was totally out of control, I was diagnosed with type II diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disease, and in July of 2012 I was hospitalized with chest pains. Thankfully there were no problems found with my heart. I halfheartedly went to the gym and sort of tried to eat better. Then later in the year my blood sugar spiked to 533. And refused to go down below the low 200's. I joined Weight Watchers, and I am truly trying to be more careful about what goes into my body. I am going return to the gym and get in a good workout at least 3 days per week. Right now my goals are small. I have a pair of jeans in my closet that I cannot zip, I want to be able to get them on by the end of January. And when I do, I will shout it to the roof tops. One of the things that I have wanted to do for years is to ride along during the National Field Trials. I won't be able to this year, but next February I will be there.

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