Friday, December 10, 2010

Running on Empty

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength." (Isaiah 40:30-31, NIV)

As I started reading my devotionals this morning, one seemed to speak directly to me. It described my current situation to a "T" running around, so busy with life that there was no time for a much needed spritual refill. I have found that I need more than a weekly visit to God's house to get me through the week. That is where I fill my spritual tank with God fuel. But I also need regular refills through the week. If I don't get those I seem to get mired down in the stress of it all. Especially now that I have gone back to work. Funny how that works, you are stressed out because you aren't working, then you start working and you are stressed even more. I didn't free myself of anything I just shifted it around and added to. So now I not only have to keep house, and all the responsibilities that are associated with that job, I still have the responsibilities that I took on while not working at church, and in my community, pile on top of that family needs, the holidys and all the extra little things associated with them. Then put the cherry of learning a new job and you have my life.
What I have found is that if I can take time each morning to spend a little quiet time with my heavenly father then it helps me to better deal with it all. I look at it as topping off my spritual tank with the necessary fuel to help me deal with the challenges of the day.

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