Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wait for the Miracle

If I ever doubted that God works miracles then all doubt was erased yesterday. On December 5th 2008, I returned from lunch to the law office where I had worked for more than 4 years, to find a letter terminating my employment on my desk. There had been warning of this event and there was no explanation as to why. Suddenly I had no job. Two months prior to this my husband, Ray, had a heart attack and underwent quadruple bypass surgery. So that meant he was not physically able to work. Normally I would have panicked, but something told me that everything would be ok. Now don’t get me wrong, there was a moment of terror, but it didn’t last. I knew that if I would trust in my Heavenly Father all would be ok.
So like a child I turned to my parent and said please take care of us and he did. Things have not been easy, and there have been times that I wondered how I was going to pay all of the bills. But the really funny thing is that I was able to pay the bills on time, and that had not always been the case. One time in particular when I was trying to figure out how to juggle everything there was a knock on the door. There stood a man that I know, I can’t say that he is exactly a friend, but just someone that lives in the same small town that we do, and he handed me a one hundred dollar bill. He and his wife had been talking and they thought we might need it. That one hundred dollars was exactly what I needed to get everything paid that month. I knew then that God used his children here on earth as angels.
Over the past two years I have sent out resumes, and I have gone on interviews, a few times I was even called back for a second interview, but no offers. I was either over qualified, or under educated. Thanks to another friend, I was able to work in a local tax office from January to April 15th of each year, and the rest of the time I was on unemployment.
This is the last week of my unemployment benefits, and I already knew that I had work beginning in January. I was scheduled to do my tax training on Friday of this week. But now I don’t have to. My miracle happened yesterday. I received a job offer with what I believe is a very good company, run by Christian people. I had gone on the first and second interviews and I really felt good about it, the only drawback was the starting salary. Now don’t get me wrong, any salary is a good salary when you aren’t working. But we all have responsibilities and I knew how much I needed to make to meet them. The offer was for the amount that I knew I needed, I didn’t ask for it, but it was provided. Now to me that is a miracle. So I start on Monday and I am looking forward to a long and satisfying relationship with this company and its owners. I have finally learned that if I will have faith and let him do things in his time it will be worth it.

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