Wednesday, November 17, 2010


We all like to think that we know and understand ourselves, and many believe that they know their friends and some even study their “enemies”. But the only one who truly knows us from the inside out is God. We try to impress others with our things, and good deeds. But the best way to impress is to live a godly life and follow the teachings of the Bible.
We develop and cultivate friendships based on what is in it for us. How can this person help me in reaching my goals? And so many times once they have outlived their usefulness we leave them by the wayside.
I watch a lot of television, much of it is reality TV. And from watching this reality I have seen one underlying theme. The ends justify the means. Week after week these people will lie, scheme and backstab all in the name of “the game”. They will go before the camera, and state that this is not who I really am, but I am doing it for the game. If you are willing to do whatever it takes on national television, then I have no doubt that you will do the same thing when millions are not looking. What has happened to Do unto Others as You Would Have Done unto You? Our society has become so desensitized and to this type of behavior, that it is becoming accepted as normal and correct.
I know that I am rambling, but I think what I am trying to say is that we should treat others as we want to be treated, and we should make friends for the sake of having friends.

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