Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Frindships and Trust

My devotional this morning talked of friendship, especially those between women. And how women cherish the friendships that they have and grieve when they are lost.

Over the years many very special women have walked into and out of my life. Women that made me feel loved and special. But there have been very few that were close enough for me to feel that I could confide in them and tell them my deepest and darkest feelings and secrets. Those things that you need to speak out loud, but know that if you ever do then there is no going back. But there have been some that I trusted enough to confide my innermost thoughts to. And sadly, more times than not those shared thoughts were not kept in confidence. So now I am even more guarded about what I share and with whom. And that is not how true friendship should be.

True friendship, is trust, Loyalaty and above all it is acceptance no matter what. I think we have become such a disposable society that we are too quick to dismiss and dispose of things in our lives. It has become to easy to throw away and replace with the latest and greatest.

A true friend is someone to cherish and a true friendship takes time, you have to nurture it and allow it to grow. Time and trust will build a bond that can never be broken. And we need to stop expecting instant results and realize that anything worth having is worth waiting for.

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