Monday, November 8, 2010

Why Do I Blog?

Blogging, this is a term that was unheard of just a few years ago, and now everyone is blogging. What does it mean to blog? Is it my own personal platform to promote what is important to me? Is it a place to spread gossip and lies about others? Or is it an area where people who feel that they have something worthwhile to say can freely get their message out to anyone that is interested in hearing it.

Actually I think it is all of the above. I want to use my blog to tell others of my faith and how it has given me the strength and courage to go on in some very difficult times. I hope that by sharing my story that it may help someone else who is struggling. I hope to pass on the peace that turning it over to God gave me. Because without God, and my faith I would still be here, alive but that is about all that I would be, alive, but not living.

I don't have all the answers. I have a lot of questions, but the one answer that I do have is that without faith, and without my Lord Jesus I might have survived but I would not be living.

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